David Wasserman is a captivating force of nature, an extraordinary individual, a conceptual photographer, a photography instructor, a biologist, and an adventurer. I truly admire his work, his passion, and his witty sense of humor. He is such an inspiration to me!

As I delved into the behind the scenes of his work at Salt Point State Park, CA, I was filled with an overwhelming sense of awe and wonder.

Collaborating with fellow artists is an experience that I cherish dearly, as it allows me to witness their creative process up close, immersing myself in their boundless imagination and ingenuity.

I am truly grateful for the opportunity to learn from David, to be inspired by his creativity, to grow as an artist, and to capture his inspiring work. He reminds me to chase my passions, explore uncharted territories, and never settle for anything less than extraordinary.

Cheers to you, Wass!